
"Dreams do matter. Read all about it."

A message as powerful as Cheryl's can't be confined to just one medium. That's why her invigorating brand of communication translates to the written word so well. As well as authoring her own speeches, Cheryl has written articles, videos, television programs, broadcast advertising, and children's books. All with her unbridled honesty as a foundation—she'll do whatever it takes to break down barriers and reach her audience.

And, not surprisingly, becoming an author is just another dream Cheryl has her eyes set on.

She'd never written a script before embarking on ten years of writing her own television show, The Body Perfect. How's that for writing? And, her marketing and business plans have generated millions of dollars in capital. She clearly wields the power of the pen.

Cheryl's positive, uplifting message of chasing dreams translates perfectly to the written word, encouraging kids of all ages to use their imaginations to make their dreams become reality.

One of Cheryl's next goals is to create picture books for children—and if her track record is any indication, she will make it happen.

Not just a bodybuilder—A bodybuilder with heart, brains, and courage.